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Bjørn Thorsen distributes Biocomposites by WoodComposites Sweden AB in whole Europe

Bjørn Thorsen A/S has been granted European distribution rights for the range of Biocomposites, also known as Woodcompounds or Durasense® products from WoodComposites Sweden AB. We will take the opportunity to showcase these materials at upcoming France Innovation Plasturgie (FIP) fair in Lyon, in June 2024!

Durasense®/Biocomposites is the portfolio of WoodComposites Sweden AB, a company created following Sweden Timber’s acquisition of Stora Enso’s biocomposites business unit at Hyltebruk plant, as announced in September 2023 (full announcement available here). This is a range of bio-based alternatives to conventional polymers, which brings the good moldability of polyolefins together with the strength and sustainability of lignocellulosic fibers, resulting in a global reduced CO2 footprint of up to 80%. These biocomposites are renowned for their exceptional blend of sustainability, strength, and versatility, making it a great addition to Bjørn Thorsen’s circular solutions offering.

Some of the key characteristics of Biocomposites are:

  • Sustainability
    Biocomposites are made from a blend of natural lignocellulosic feedstock and polymer resins, reducing the reliance on fossil-based materials and promoting a sustainable approach to plastics.
  • Natural appearance
    The lignocellulosic components in Biocomposites provide a natural appearance, making them an attractive choice for applications where aesthetics and eco-friendliness are important, like consumer goods, food packaging, cosmetics, automotive.
  • High strength
    Biocomposites offer excellent mechanical properties, combining the strength of lignocellulosic materials with the durability of plastics, making them suitable for a wide range of applications where toughness is crucial, for instance in building and construction or the automotive industry.
  • Reduced carbon footprint
    Using lignocellulosic fibers as a renewable resource in the manufacturing process helps reduce the overall carbon footprint of products made with Biocomposites from WoodComposites Sweden AB.

Read the full press release here!

Bjørn Thorsen A/S
Søholm Park 1
2900 Hellerup
Gentofte Kommune
VAT nummer: DK89810418


Bo Norman
Sales Manager

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