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Recyclable Composite Solutions

As the global interest in recycling solutions is increasing, the recyclable composite solution from Swancor is making waves in the industry. EzCiclo is a recyclable and reusable epoxy resin due to which glass or carbon fiber composites could be recycled and degraded via CleaVER technology.

Find out more in this latest article featured in Plastforum Sweden and plastnet.se*. 

Get in touch with our expert Kasper Jalander (kj@bjorn-thorsen.com) to inquire more about these technologies and their applications.


*article available in Swedish and to plastnet.se members only

Bjørn Thorsen A/S
Søholm Park 1
2900 Hellerup
Gentofte Kommune
VAT nummer: DK89810418


Kasper Jalander
Sales Director

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