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UV area scan camera - high resolution & high sensitivity

Quantum efficiency at 200 nm is above 25% and is between 40-50% for nearly all of the UVA and UVB range. Especially suitable for Electronics & corona inspection, Medical/Dermatology, Semiconductors, Pharmaceuticals & Security printing inspection.

Broad UV sensitivity
The GO-8105M-5GE-UV offers excellent sensitivity for applications across the UV spectrum. QE at 200 nm is around 25% meaning that even advanced applications requiring imaging well into the UVC spectrum are fully supported. The combination of high resolution and high sensitivity creates a wide range of possibilities for vision system developers.

Glass or glassless configurations
The GO-8105M-5GE-UV comes standard with a double-AR-coated, quartz glass cover over the sensor to protect the sensor from dirt and damage while maximizing light transmission. A glassless version (GO-8105M-5GE-UV-GL) has a protective glass cover on the sensor that can be removed by the user for applications where cover glass interference is problematic.

Small and reliable
The GOX-8105M-5GE-UV provides robust capability in a small form factor. The camera weighs less than 100 grams but carries shock and vibration ratings of 80G and 10G, respectively, to ensure that it can perform reliably in both industrial and scientific applications.
Feature for the UV area scan camera GO-8105M-5GE-UV:

  • 8.1-megapixel monochrome camera with 2.74-micron pixels and 2/3” optical format.
  •  Backside-illuminated Sony Pregius S IMX487-AAMJ image sensor with enhanced UV sensitivity to 200 nm and below.
  • High performance GigE Vision 2.0 interface can automatically negotiate between 5GBASE-T, 2.5GBASE-T, and 1000BASE-T speeds as needed.
  • Can be powered over the interface (PoE) or from an external power supply via 6-pin Hirose connector.
  •  Small and lightweight form factor (less than 100 grams).
  •  Mounting holes with 21 mm or 20 mm spacing to fit most existing installations with no re-tooling required.
  • Industrial grade performance with ratings of 80G shock, 10G vibration, plus excellent thermal dissipation.
  •  Available with quartz glass covering sensor or with user-removable protective glass for glassless applications.
  • Includes “Xscale” function supporting virtual, sub-pixel rescaling of output for greater binning flexibility or when matching the resolution and FOV of cameras in existing systems.

Applications where Go Series UV-sensitive cameras are especially suitable:
Electronics and corona inspection: Solar panels and other types of electronics may need UV imaging to look for signs og current leakage or other defects. UV cameras are also used to inspect power lines and transformers where non-visible “coronas” can indicate electrical problems.

Medical/Dermatology: UV lighting and imaging can detect damaged skin and subsurface issues at early stage before they become serious.

Semiconductors: UV cameras let inspections systems utilize extremely short light wavelengths so the smallest defects or surfaces can be imaged and analyzed

Visions system for track and track and trace, pill sorting, inspecting vials and ampoules, and many other applications, often need to be able to “see” invisible product codes, lo numbers or other markings.

Security printing inspection: Bank notes, passports, lottery tickets, and other similar items may use special security markings only visible in the UV spectrum

Download datasheet 

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Phone: + 46 8 683 03 00

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Midstranda 51
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126 30 Hägersten
Stockholms stad
VAT nummer: SE5566767967


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